Do any of these problems sound familiar?

Balancing in-depth analysis with the need for quick turnaround times is becoming impossible
I struggle to translate complex data into easily digestible reports for various stakeholders
I’m always racing against time to provide timely insights for urgent investment decisions
It’s tough to ensure consistency across multiple research reports and presentations
Creating thought leadership initiatives and day-to-day market analysis is stretching us thin
It’s hard to integrate and analyse data from multiple sources efficiently

Unlock the full potential of your property research with Ellie - your tireless assistant designed to tackle the unique challenges of real estate research teams.

From processing vast amounts of market data to generating timely, actionable insights, Ellie is here to revolutionise your research operations and help you stay ahead in a dynamic market.

Say goodbye to data overload, missed trends, and resource constraints - and hello to comprehensive market intelligence that stands out.

Don't drown in data - let Ellie be your research lifeline

Researchers love our real estate expertise

Ellie is indispensable to me... she makes my job more enjoyable because she covers drudgery and low-value tasks.
— Sebastian Verity, Head of Research, Allsop

An AI Worker for every task on your To Do List

  • Market Analysis

    Vast datasets, dynamic market conditions, and pressure for accurate forecasts - it's enough to make your head spin. Are you expected to:

    - Analyse large volumes of property transaction data?

    - Track key metrics across residential, commercial, and industrial sectors?

    - Predict future market trends in an uncertain economic climate?

    - Produce timely insights on rapidly changing market conditions?

    You don't need to navigate this data maze alone - Ellie is here to help.

  • Crafting Compelling Content

    In property research, your insights are only as valuable as your ability to communicate them. You're expected to translate complex market trends into compelling narratives for diverse audiences - in formats ranging from white papers to infographics to client presentations.

    Balancing accuracy with engaging delivery is a constant challenge. This is where Ellie steps in as your content creation virtuoso. She transforms your dense data and complex analyses into clear, compelling content tailored to any audience or format. Let Ellie handle the communication, so your valuable insights can shine through in every piece of content you produce.

  • Economic Research

    As a property researcher, you're the interpreter of the complex economic forces shaping real estate markets. From GDP fluctuations to demographic shifts, you're expected to monitor and analyse a vast array of economic indicators, translating them into actionable insights for your stakeholders. It's a challenging task that requires constant vigilance and deep analytical skills.

    Enter Ellie, your economic research powerhouse. She can synthesise economic data from diverse sources, provide summaries and preliminary assessments of potential property market impacts, and make complex economic trends accessible to all stakeholders.

  • Client Support

    The phone never stops ringing, and your inbox is overflowing. It might be institutional investors seeking market analyses, or developers needing site-specific insights - the common thread is that the requests are constant and with a tight deadline. Each query requires you to dive deep into oceans of data, surfacing with precise, actionable intelligence—and fast.

    Ellie can rapidly generate initial responses to client queries, compile relevant data for complex requests, and assists in crafting customised presentations.

  • And much more! Get in touch to see what Ellie can do for you

    Struggling to produce timely, actionable insights? Finding it hard to balance in-depth analysis with quick turnarounds? We can help.

    Email us at

Trusted by some of the biggest names in Real Estate

Securely integrated into your workflows

Ellie lives in your email, so you can access her easily from anywhere - but no one else can access your data

A true team member

Ellie is trained to reason according to your business model, and her outputs look and feel on brand

Security is our priority

Enterprise-grade security measures built into our core operations