Do any of these problems sound familiar?

Staying on top of changing regulations while maintaining the quality of my surveys feels like an impossible balancing act.
Defending against customer claims is eating up my time.
I’m struggling to efficiently analyse large volumes of audit data to improve our team’s performance.
Creating comprehensive reports for mortgage lenders while maintaining accuracy and speed feels like an uphill battle.
Assessing leases takes hours out of my day, especially when it comes to the data entry.
It’s so time consuming to transform the notes taken during a survey into the specific survey output we send to customers.

Unlock the full potential of your surveying practice with Ellie - your tireless AI worker designed to tackle the unique challenges of modern surveyors.

Say goodbye to document overload, time-consuming manual data extraction and assessment, and the constant pressure of regulatory compliance - and hello to comprehensive, AI-powered surveying services that stand out in a crowded market.

With Ellie by your side, you'll transform how you assess properties, manage portfolios, and deliver value to your clients, ensuring your expertise shines in every report and recommendation.

Don't drown in data - let Ellie be your lifeline

How much time could you save on everyday tasks, with an AI worker helping out?

Want to find out how companies like Countrywide Surveying Services are saving time, money and effort with Ellie?

An AI Assistant for every task on your To Do List

  • Property Condition Assessments

    Examining and documenting every corner of a property is a time-consuming process that demands your expertise. You're constantly juggling the need to standardise your reporting across multiple properties while ensuring no crucial detail in complex building systems slips through the cracks. Hours slip away as you translate your observations and images into coherent reports.

    Enter Ellie, your digital clipboard and report writer. She frees you to focus on what truly matters - your expert observations - while she handles the tedious task of standardising and compiling your insights into comprehensive reports.

  • Lease Data Extraction

    You're drowning in a sea of lease documents, each with its own quirks and hidden clauses. Identifying potential risks and unusual terms buried in legalese feels like searching for a needle in a haystack, and compiling standardised data for portfolio-wide analysis is a Herculean task.

    Don't let lease data extraction consume your valuable time. Ellie can dive into those document depths, surfacing with the precise information you need, allowing you to focus on applying your expertise to the extracted data.

  • Valuation Report Generation

    Assessing property condition reports, analysing market trends, and justifying your valuations - it's a complex process that demands precision and clarity, and can leave you feeling stretched thin.

    With Ellie as your valuation assistant, you can generate comprehensive, well-supported reports in a fraction of the time. She handles the data collation and initial analysis, allowing you to apply your expertise where it matters most - in interpreting the results and making informed valuation decisions.

  • Defending Against Customer Claims

    When clients challenge your property assessments or claim you've overlooked critical issues, the task of defending your professional judgment can be time-consuming and complex.

    Ellie streamlines this entire process, acting as your digital memory and analytical support. She can recall and analyse details from past surveys, identify patterns that support your assessment, and generate comprehensive reports that articulate your rationale. Ellie assists in crafting responses that are well-substantiated and tailored to address specific client concerns, while helping you maintain a professional tone.

  • And much more! Get in touch to see what Ellie can do for you

    Finding it challenging to balance thorough building assessments with client demands for quick turnarounds? We can help.

    Email us at

Trusted by some of the biggest names in Real Estate

Securely integrated into your workflows

Ellie lives in your email, so you can access her easily from anywhere - but no one else can access your data

A true team member

Ellie is trained to reason according to your business model, and her outputs look and feel on brand

Security is our priority

Enterprise-grade security measures built into our core operations