Slashing the Time Needed to Produce and Polish Articles With Ellie.

When Connells, the UK’s largest property services provider and estate agent, decided to embrace the cutting-edge AI technology of Fifth Dimension AI, it was not just about keeping up with the times—but setting a new standard in the industry.

Connells Marketing

“Start adopting AI early, wherever you can”

- Andrea Winterhoff Content Marketing Manager Connells

The Challenge

Andrea Winterhoff, Content Marketing Manager at Connells, is all too familiar with the high demands of producing unique marketing content for each of the 80+ brands under the Connells umbrella.

The task is formidable: crafting copious amounts of well-written copy, each tailored to the unique tone of voice of the various brands.


That's where Ellie comes into play. This AI property research assistant from Fifth Dimension AI wasn't just another tool that Andrea could use - it was a revolution.

Andrea initially had some healthy scepticism towards Ellie, echoing concerns commonly shared about generalist tools like Microsoft Copilot or ChatGPT - would it sound generic, how accurate would the results be, and could Ellie deliver to Connell’s high brand standards? Her perspective quickly changed as she witnessed Ellie's capabilities; Ellie’s efficiency and quality dispelled any doubts, turning scepticism into reliance.

In particular, Ellie's knack for understanding property and brand context was a breath of fresh air for Andrea. She also loves that Ellie “gets rid of that blank page, helping overcome ‘writer’s block’”.

As well as boasting high accuracy and quality, Ellie is tailored specifically for the property market (and in Connells’ case, for the UK), making her the go-to for nuanced, industry-specific tasks. She delivers precisely what's needed, with a local touch.

The Results

The impact of integrating Ellie into Connell's daily marketing operations has been remarkable. Andrea's workflow is transformed, slashing the time needed to produce and polish articles. "It's sped me up so much - she's cut my task time in half!”.

Looking ahead, Andrea sees huge potential for Ellie to be deployed across various parts of Connells operations, enhancing efficiency and engagement across the board.

Let’s Talk

Connells' partnership with Fifth Dimension AI showcases the importance of starting your journey with generative AI today. By working with Fifth Dimension AI, Connells is able to navigate this new technology with confidence while delivering value from day one.

Don't let the future of real estate pass you by. Get in touch with Fifth Dimension AI today


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